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A.A.F  -                 Auxiliary Air Force.
A.L.H  -                Advanced Light Helicopter.
A.D.B  -                Asian Development Bank.
A.I.D.S  -             Acquiredimmunc Deficiency Syndrome.
A.I.I.M.S  -          All India Institute of Medical Science.
A.I.N.F.C  -         All India News Paper’s Editors Conference.
A.I.T.U.C  -         All India Trade Union Congress.
A.M.I.E  -            Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers.
A.T.S  -                Applications Technology Satellite.
A.W.W.A  -         The Army Wives Welfare Association.
A.A.S.U -             All-Assam Students Union.
A.B.M -               Anti Ballistic Missiles.
a/c -                     Account.
A.D -                   anno Domini; in the year of Lord Christ.
A.C -                   Alternative Current; / Ashok Chakra.
A.D.C -               Aide-de-Camp.
A.D.M.K -          Anna Dravida Munnetra             Kazhagam.
A.G -                  Accountant General; / Adjutant General.
A.I -                    Air India.
A.I.C.C -            All India Congress Committee.
A.I.R -                All India Radio.
A.I.S.S.F -          All India Sikh Students Federation.
A.M -                  ante meridiem; / before noon.
A.M.C -              Army Medical Crop.
A.N.C -               African National Congress.
A.P.P.E.A.L -     Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All.
A.S.A.T -           Anti-Satellite Weapon.
A.S.E.A.N -       Association of South-East Asian Nations.
A.S.L.V -           Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle.
A.S.P.A.C -       Asian Pacific Council.
A.S.R.O.C.K -   Anti-Submarine Rocket Launchers.
A.S.S.O.C.H.A.M – Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
A.T.S -               Anti-Tetanus Serum (injection).
A.V.A.R.O -       Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development.
A.V.C -               Army Veterinary Corps.
A.W.A.C.S -       Airborne Warning and Control System.


B.A.R.C  -            Bhaba Atomic Recherché Centre.
B.B.C  -                British Broadcasting Corporation.
B.O.A.C  -            British Overseas Airways Corporation.
B.S.S  -                 Bharat Sevak Samaj.
B.C.C.I -               Board of Cricket Control India.
B.A -                     Bachelor of Arts; / British Academy.
B.C -                     Before Christ; / Board of Control; / British Columbia; / Battery Commander.
B.Com -               Bachelor of Commerce.
B.C.G -                Bacillus Calmette Guerin-  Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine.
B.E -                    Bachelor of Engineering.
B.Ed -                  Bachelor Education.
B.H.U -                Banaras Hindu University.
B.I.S -                  Bureau of Indian Standards (formerly known a ISI).
B.O.A.C -           British Overseas Airways Corporation.
B.Pharm -           Bachelor of Pharmacy.
B.P.E -                Bureau of Public Enterprises.
B.R.L -               Bharat Refineries Limited.
B.R.O -               Border Road Organization.
B.S.F -                Border Security Force.
B.Sc -                 Bachelor of Science.


C.B.F.C  -            Central Board of Film Certification.
C..C.I  -                Cricket Club of India.
C.F.S.I  -              Children’s Film Society of India.
C.I.A  -                 Central Intelligence Agency.
C.I.D  -                 Criminal Investigation Department.
C.O.R.D.E.T  -    Co-operative Rural Development Trust.
C.W.R.D.M  -      Centre for Water Resources Development and Management.
C.A -                    Chartered Accountant.
C & AG -             Comptroller & Auditor General.
C.A.I.R -              Centre of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
C.R.A.E -             Co-Operative for American Relief Everywhere.
C.A.S -                 Chief of Army Staff; / Chief of Air Staff.
C.B.I -                  Central Bureau of Investigation.
C.E.N.T.O -         Cricket Treaty Organization.
CF.R.I -               Central Fuel Research Institute.
C.F.S -                 Container Freight Station.
C.G.C.R.I -         Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (Calcutta).
C.G.S -                Chief of the General Staff.
C.H.S -                Central Intelligence Agency (of U.S.A).
C-in-C -               Commander-in-Chief.
C.I.T.U -             Centre of Indian Trade Unions.
C.L.A.S.S -         Computer Literacy and Studies in School.
C.M -                  Command Module; / Chief Minister.
C.M.A.L -          Coal Mines Authority of India Ltd.
C.N.S -               Chief of the Naval Staff.
C.O -                  Commanding Officer.
C.O.D -              Central Ordnance Dept; / Cash on Delivery.
C.O.M.E.C.O.N -  Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.
C.P.H.E.R.I -    Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute.
C.P.I -                Communist Party of India.
C.R -                  Central Railway.
C.S.I.R -            Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
C.T.O -              Central Telegraph Office.
C.V.R -              Cockpit Voice Recorder.


D.A.F  -               Department of Atomic Energy.
D.F.D.R  -            Digital Flight Data Recorder.
D.P.A.P  -           Drought Prone Areas Programme.
D.A -                   Dearness Allowance; / Daily Allowance.
D.C -                  Deputy Commissioner; / Direct Current in Electricity.
D.C.L -               Doctor of Civil Law.
D.D.T -              Dichloro-Dephenyl Trichloro-ethane (disinfectant).
D.Litt -               Doctor of Literature.
D.L.O -              Dead Letter Office.
D.M -                 District Magistrate.
D.V.C -              Damodor Valley Corporation.
D.R.D.O -          Defence Research and Development Organization.
D.O.D -              Department of Renewable Energy Sources.
D.N.A -              de-oxyribonucleic acid.


E.g.  -                  Exempli Gratia (For Example).
E.C.H.R  -          European Commission on Human Right.
E.E.C  -               European Economic Community.
E.S.M.A  -          Essential Service Maintenance Act.
E.S.R.F  -           Economic and Scientific Research Foundation.
E.A.R.C -           Economic Administration Reforms Commission.
E.C.E -               Economic Commission for Europe.
E.C.G -               Electro Cardio-gram.
E.C.U -               European Currency Unit.
E.E.G -                Electro-encephalography.
E.M.F -              Electro-motive Force.
E.M.S -               European Monetary System.
E.M.U -              Electric-Multiple Unit; / Extra-vehicular Mobility Unit.
E.P.N.S -            Electroplated Nickel Silver.
E.S.A -               European Space Agency.

F.A.O  -               Food and Agriculture Organization.
F.I.S.I  -               Friends of India Society International.
F.S.I  -                 Fisheries Survey of India.
F.B.I -                  Federal Bureau of Investigation (of U.S.A).
F.D.R -                Flight Data Recorder.
F.I.C.C.I -           Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
F.M -                   Field Marshal.
Fob -                    Free on Board.
For -                    Free on Rail.
FR.C.D -             Floating Rate Certificates of Deposits.
F.R.C.S -            Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
F.R.S -                Fellow of the Society.
F.T.I.I -               Film and Television Institute of India.

G.A.T.T  -            General Agreement on Tariff and Trade.
G.S.T.P  -             Global Syestem of Trade Preferences.
G.D.P  -                Gross Domestic Product.
G.A.I.L -               Gas Authority of India Limited.
G.C.M -               Greatest Common Measure.
G.D.R -                German Democratic Republican (east Germany).
G.H.Q -               Genera Head Quarters.
G.I.C -                 General Insurance Corporation.
G.M.T -               Greenwich Mean Time.
G.N.P -                Gross National Product.
G.O.I -                 Government of India.
G.N.L.F -             Gorkha National Liberation Front.
G.P.O -                General Post Office.
G.S.P -                 Generalized System of Preferences.


H.M.T  -               Hindustan Machine and Tools.
H.A.L  -                Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.
H.S.L  -                 Hindustan Steel Limited.
H.C.F -                 Highest Common Factor.
H.E -                    His Excellency.
H.E.H -                His or Her Exalted Highness.
H.U.D.C.O -        Housing and Urban Development Corporation.
H.H -                    His or Her Highness.
H.G -                    His or Her Grace.
H.M.T -                Hand Micro Telephone; / Hindustan Machine Tools.


I.C.A.R  -             Indian Council for Agriculture Research.
I.C.C  -                 Indian Criminal Court.
I.C.M.R  -             Indian Council of Medical Research.
I.I.L.M -               Indian Institute of Legal Metrology.
I.O  -                   International Labour Organization.
I.M.F  -               International Monetary Fund.
I.S.R.O  -            Indian Space Research Organization.
I.T.D.C  -            Indian Tourism Development Corporation.
I.O.E -                 Indian Olympic Association.
I.I.A.I -               International Airport Authority of India.
IA.A.S -              Indian Audit and Accounts Service.
I.A.C -                Indian Airlines Corporation.
I.A.E.A -            International Atomic Energy Agency.
I.A.F -                 Indian Air Force.
I.A.M.C -           Indian Army Medical Crops.
I.A.S -                 Indian Administrative Service.
I.A.T.A -            International Air Transport Association.
I.B.R.D -            International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
I.L.O -                International Labour Organization.
I.M.A -               Indian Military Academy.
I.M.S -                Indian Medical Service.
I.N-                     Indian Navy.
I.N.A -                Indian National Army.
I.P.C -                Indian Penal Code.
I.P.I -                  International Press Institute.
I.P.S -                Indian Police Service; / Indian Postal Service.
I.S.S.P -             Indian Scientific Satellite Project.
I.S.T -                 Indian Slandered Time.
I.T.B.F -            Indo-Tibetan Border Force.
I.T.D.C -            Indian Tourism Development Corporation.
I.T.O -                Income Tax Officer.


J.P.C  -                Joint Parliamentary Comity.
J.R.C  -                Junior Red Cross.
J.C.O -                 Junior Commissioned Officer.
J.P -                      Justice of the Peace.


L.I.C  -                Life Insurance Corporation of India.
L.I.B  -                Bachelor of Law.
L.P.G  -               Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
L.C.A -                Light Combat Aircraft.
L.I.X.I.S.C.O.P.E -  Low-intensity X-ray Image Scope.
L.M.G -            Light Machine Gun.
L.T.T.E -           Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eaelam.


M.A  -                 Master of Arts.
M.B.B.S  -          Bachelor of Medical and Bachelor of Surgery.
M.T.C.R  -         Missile Technology Control Regime.
M.A.P.P -           Madras Atomic Power Project.
M.C.F -              Master Control Facility.
M.D -                 Doctor of Medicine.
M.E.S -              Military Engineering Service.
M.L.A -             Member of Legislative Assembly.
M.L.C -             Member of Legislative Council.
M.M.T.C -        Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation of India.
M.P -                 Member of Parliament.
M.T.B -            Motor Torpedo Boat.


N.C.E.R.T  -            National Council of Educational Research and Training.
N.C.S.T.C  -             The National Council for Science and Technology Communication.
N.F.D.C  -               National Film Development Corporation.


O.A.N.A  -              Organization of Asian News Agency.
O.I.G.S -                 On Indian Government Service.
O.N.G.C -               Oil and Natural Gas Commission.
O.P.E.C -                Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
O.S.T.A -                 Ocean Science Technology Agency.


Pin-code -              Postal Index Number Code.
P.T.I -                    Press Trust of India.
PhD -                     Doctor of Philosophy.
P.I.B -                    Press Information Bureau.
P.R.O -                  Public Relation Officer.
P.W.D -                 Public Works Department.


Q.E.D -                 Qued Earat Demonstradum.


R.B.I -                  Reserve Bank of India.
R.C.C -                 Reinforced Cement Concrete.
R.M.S -                 Railway Mail Service.
R.S.S -                   Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh.
R.T.O -                 Regional Transport Officer.


S.A.R -                Synthetic Aperture Radar.
S.I.T.E -              Satellite Instructional Television Experiment.
S.R.O.S.S -          Stretched Rohini Satellite Series.


T.D.C -               Technical Development Council.
T.E.L.C.O -        Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company.
T.W.A -               Trans World Airlines.


U.N.O -                    United Nation of Organizations.
U.N.A.D.F -             United Nations Agricultural Development Fund.
U.N.C.T.A.D -         United Nations Conference on Trade & Development.
U.N.E.P -                 United Nations Environment Programme.
U.N.E.S.C.O -         United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
U.N.I.C.E.F -          United Nations International Children Emergency Fund.
U.N.I.D.O -             United Nations Industrial Development Organizations.


V.A.T -                  Value Added Tax.
V.S.S.C -                Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre.
V.D.I.S -                Voluntary Disclosure Income Scheme.


W.E.D -                 World Environment Day.
W.H.O -                 World Health Organization.
W.T.C.A -             World Trade Centres Associations.
W.W.I -                 World Watch Institute.  


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