Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation (ONGC) Recruitment 745 for the post of “Graduate Trainee” 2014 www.ongcindia.com
Online Applications have been invited from Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Recruitment 745 for the post of “Graduate Trainee” 2014. The applicants have to apply by a prescribed form format before 1st October, 2014. The recruitment is based on direct recruitment by Interview. The applicants who are interested in the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Recruitment 2014 can read the details like what will be the selection process, what will be the applying process.
Application: - Application though online.
Applications are invited by: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
Examination: - Written Examination and
Trade Test, then Interview.
Total no. of posts: 71
Name of the
1. Chemist
2. Geologist
3. Geophigist (Surface)
4. Geophigist (Wells)
5. Reserve
6. Drilling
7. Mechanical
8. Civil
9. Electrical
10. Instrumentation and Transport
Post: - 78 (GN-
37, OBC- 17, SC- 10, ST- 10)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Chemistry first Class Post-Graduate pass Candidate are applicable for apply. Candidate also has Chemistry (CY) Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Post: - 41 (GN-
23, OBC- 13, SC- 3, ST- 2)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Geology first Class Post-Graduate pass Candidate are applicable for apply. Petrolium Geo-Science, Petrolium Geology, Geological Technology M.S.C. and M.Tech course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Geology and Geophysics (GG) Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Geophigist (Surface)
Post: - 28 (GN-
8, OBC- 11, SC- 5, ST- 4)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Economics main Subject Physics first Class Post-Graduate pass Candidate are applicable for apply. Geological Technology M.S.C. and M.Tech course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Physics (PH), Geology and Geophysics (GG) Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Geophigist (Wells)
Post: - 22 (GN-
14, OBC- 7, SC- 1, ST- 0)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Economics main Subject Physics first Class Post-Graduate pass Candidate are applicable for apply. Geological Technology M.S.C. and M.Tech course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Geology (GG) Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Assistant Executive (Preserver)
Post: - 14 (GN-
8, OBC- 3, SC-
0, ST- 3)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Geology, Chemistry, Geophigist, Math’s, Physics and Petrolium Technology first Class Post-Graduate pass Candidate are applicable for apply. Chemical, Petrolium Engineering and Applied Petrolium Engineering first class Graduate course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Geology (GG), Chemistry (CY), Math’s (MA), Physics (PH), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Engineering Science (XE), and Chemical Engineering (CH) Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Assistant Executive (Production)
Post: - 217 (GN-
102, OBC- 66, SC- 31, ST- 18)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Chemical, Petrolium Engineering and Applied Petrolium Engineering first class Graduate course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Geology (GG), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Engineering Science (XE), and Chemical Engineering (CH) Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Assistant Executive (Drilling)
Post: - 110 (GN-
57, OBC- 32, SC- 15, ST- 6)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Mechanical and Petrolium Engineering first class Graduate course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Mechanical Engineering (ME), Engineering Science (XE), and Chemical Engineering (CH) Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Assistant Executive (Mechanical)
Post: - 72 (GN-
37, OBC- 22, SC- 8, ST- 5)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Mechanical Engineering first class Graduate course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Mechanical Engineering (ME), Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Assistant Executive (Civil)
Post: - 10 (GN-
6, OBC- 3, SC-
0, ST- 1)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Civil Engineering first class Graduate course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Civil (CE), Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Assistant Executive (Electrical)
Post: - 47 (GN-
19, OBC- 17, SC- 10, ST- 1)
Age: - 18 to
30 years of age
Salary: - Rs.-24,900/- to 50,500/-
Educational Qualification required: - Electrical Engineering first class Graduate course pass are applicable. Candidate also has Electrical Engineering (EE), Subject ‘GET’ Qualification.
Important dates: -
Online Application Starting Date: - 2nd September, 2014.
Last date of Online Application: - 1st October, 2014.
GATE Examination Result Date: - 12th March, 2015.
Interview Date: - Month of May, 2015.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Recruitment 2014 Official notification5555555555555555
Registration Process: - First open
the website www.ongcindia.com
click the “Registration” Click open the Online Application form uploaded
the photo, Signature and Register automatically.
open the Mode of Payment option and payment Examination Fees online and offline
online payment internet banking facilities also available.
time a Registration No. and Password printed out eminently.
the e-receipt and on copy print out of this e-receipt
Candidates have a personal Email ID, mobile no, Demand Draft or Bank Claque and 1 Copy Scand passport size signature coloured photo.
other information to know visit this site www.karmosangsthan.com
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